The IMPEX dummy watering system is economical, easy to clean and maintain. Due to the closed watering system, hygiene is optimal which results in a better microclimate in the hall. The birds remain dry because the water does not leak on the bedding. There are always enough water supply points throughout the floor area. The high quality (360 °) teats made of stainless steel are extremely tight, so there is no need for rubber gaskets. The suspension system distributes the pipes above the floor.
0025 Pacifier for the broiler |
10026 Smoczek dla broilera |
Pacifiers with aluminum profiles Unit no. | Pacifier system with round profiles Unit no. | Distance between teats | Quantity of teats on the pipe |
IPN24 | RPN24 | 6* = 15,2 cm | 24 |
IPN18 | RPN18 | 8* = 20,2 cm | 18 |
IPN15 | RPN15 | 10* = 24,3 cm | 15 |
IPN12 | RPN12 | 12* = 30,4 cm | 12 |
V-shaped nipples support the weaker birds' weights in the first days of life. In practice, it has been shown that they are more economical, while the smaller water leakage on the pital makes the animals more dry than using traditional drinking support bottoms. They are also used when laying hens on a free range. The arrangement of the cups on the water pipe is shown in the table below (applies to free-range layers).
V-cup system on aluminum profiles | Cup-shaped system V on round profiles | Distance between cups | Quantity of cups on a pipe |
IPV7 | RPV7 | 20" = 52,1 cm | 7 |
IPV6 | RPV6 | 24" = 60,8 cm | 6 |
IPV5 | RPV5 | 29" = 73,0 cm | 5 |
IPV4 | RPV4 | 36" = 91,2 cm | 4 |
The Impex cup is used in combination with a high quality stainless steel teat. 10015 and 10010 or plastic coated teat. 10024 - MP, all with 1/8 "thread These 1-armed cups give the birds better access to the teat The animals stay dry because the water does not leak onto the mire. There is always enough water supply points throughout the floor area. The suspension system distributes the pipes above the floor.
10015 SA Chicken dumplings Stainless steel, 360 ° (1/8 "thread) |
10024-MP Pacifier Stainless steel in plastic (1/8 "thread) |
10039-00 RD Bowl Single-armed, diameter 7 mm, snap on the pipe |
10024-MP Pacifier Stainless steel in plastic (1/8 "thread) |
V-shaped cupping system on aluminum profiles | Cup-shaped V-system on round profiles | Distance between cups | Quantity of cups on the tube |
IPD24 | RPD24 | 6" = 15,2 cm | 24 |
IPD18 | RPD18 | 8" = 20,2 cm | 18 |
IPD15 | RPD15 | 10" = 24,3 cm | 15 |
IPD12 | RPD12 | 12" = 30,4 cm | 12 |
Impex watering systems suitable for different types of poultry. The table indicates which teat, teat with bowl or V - bowl are suitable, for which type of bird and number of birds per point of watering.
Type of poultry | Teat for a broiler | Pacifier with a bowl | Bowl type V |
Broiler | 12 - 15 | 15 - 18 | |
Nioska | 8 - 10 | ||
Stada rodzicielskie | 8 - 10 | ||
Kaczki | 6 - 8 | 8 - 10 | 40 - 45 |
The watering systems are designed in the first place to provide the birds with sufficiently clean water. In addition, a closed watering system increases hygiene and affects better environmental conditions in the hall. A water spigot is a source of water for watering systems. The water pressure is reduced to ± 2 bar by the main pressure reducer. To check the intake of water is recommended water meter. The complete watering system is supplied with an aluminum or circular steel profile. One water filter is required for the hall, additionally a drug dispenser is installed at the water branch.
The correct height of the teats is important. This can be achieved using the suspension system.
Before assembling the Impex watering system, read the following points.
- The central reducer and filter must be fitted to the water branch.
- The maximum length of the watering line should not exceed 80 meters, that is 22 elements, 3.65 each, if an initial reducer is used. When the line is over 80 meters, a central reducer is used.
- For all types of birds, the antigree should be used in addition to the broiler.
- The total number of watering lines for broilers is the number of feeding lines plus one.
- It is recommended to place water lines at a distance of 2.5 to 3.5 meters from each other.